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Pages in category ‘Biographies of Hydrologists’
The following 179 pages are in this category, out of 179 total.
- Barnes, Bertram S
- Bates, C G
- Battan, Louis J
- Beardmore, Nathaniel
- Becker, Alfred
- Belgrand, Eugène
- Biography Template
- Bonell, Mike
- Boulton, A G
- Brater, E F
- Buckingham, Edgar
- Budyko, M
- Buras, Nathan
- Burger, Hans
- Calder, Ian R
- Cappus, Pierre
- Cassidy, Jack
- Cavazza, Luigi
- Chapman, Tom G
- Chelmicki, W
- Chen Jiaqi
- Chen Shouyu
- Chen Zhikai
- Chorley, Richard J
- Chow, Ven Te
- Church, James
- Chézy, Antoine de
- Clark, Bob
- Colding, L A
- Cunge, J
- Dalton, John
- Darcy, Henry
- Dawdy, Dave R
- De Roo, Ad
- Delleur, Jacques
- Dixey, Frank
- Dooge, JCI (Jim)
- Dracup, John A.
- Duband, Daniel
- Duckstein, Lucien
- Dupuit, Jules
- Hall, Mike J
- Hantush, Mahdi S
- Hartge, Karl H
- Herschy, Reg
- Hewlett, J D
- Holmes, John W
- Holtan, H N
- Horner, W W
- Horton, Robert Elmer
- Hoshi, Kyoshi
- Huang Wanli
- Hubbert, M King
- Hubert, Pierre
- Hursh, Charles R
- Hurst, H E
- Manning, Robert
- Mansell-Moullin, Mike
- Mariotte, Edme
- Matalas, Nick C
- Maxey G B
- McCulloch, J S G (Jim)
- Mead, Daniel W
- Meier, Mark
- Meinzer, O
- Meyer, Adolf Frederick
- Mezentsev, Varfolomeï
- Midgley, Des
- Mockus, Victor
- Monteith, John L
- Moore, Ian D
- Munro, Crawford
- Müller, Fritz
- Palissy, Bernard
- Pardé, Maurice
- Penman, H L
- Pereira, H Charles
- Perrault, Pierre
- Petts, Geoff
- Philip, John R
- Pilgrim, David H
- Potter, H R
- Preissmann, A
- Saint-Venant, Barré de
- Shaw, Elizabeth M
- Sherman, LeRoy K
- Shiklomanov, Igor
- Shuttleworth, W J (Jim)
- Snyder, Franklin F
- Stanescu, V A
- Stepinac, Antun
- Sugawara, M
- Sutcliffe, John V
- Swank, Wayne T
- Symons, G J
- Wallis, Jim
- White, Sue
- Willgoose, Garry
- Wisler, C.O.
- Witherspoon, Paul A
- Wolf, Peter O
- Wolman, Abel
- Wolman, Reds
- Wood, Eric F
- Woolhiser, David A