Hydrology. The fundamental basis of hydraulic engineering, 1919
Hydrology: The Fundamental Basis of Hydraulic Engineering
Authors, Editions, Dates[edit]
Webster Mead, 1st edition, 1919
Earlier version as Notes on Hydrology and the Application of its Laws to the Problems of Hydraulic Engineering, 1904, University of Wisconsin
2nd edition, 1950, revised by Harold Mead, son of Daniel, with addition of new chapter on drought.
Publisher, Place[edit]
McGraw-Hill: New York Hill Publishing Co.: London
i. Introduction
II. Water - its occurrence, utilisation and control
III. Some fundamental theories
IV. Winds and Storms
V. Hydrometry
VI. Atmospheric moisture and evaporation
VII. Precipitation
VIII. Rainfall Measurements and Records
IX. Annual Rainfall in the United States and its Variation
X. Seasonal Rainfall in the United States and its Variation
XI. Great Rainfalls
XII. Rainfall and Altitude
XIII. Geological Agencies and their Work
XIV. Geology
XV. Ground Waters
XVI. Stream Flow or Runoff
XVII. Variation in Runoff or Stream Discharge
XVIII. Estimating Runoff
XIX. Floods and Flood Flows
XX. The Application of Hydrology
Hydrology: The fundamental basis of hydraulic engineering, 1919