Pfister et al. (2009) Leonardo da Vinci's Water Theory
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Pfister, L., Savenije, H H G., and Fenicia, F
Leonardo da Vinci's Water Theory: On the Origin and Fate of Water
IAHS Special Publication No. 9
IAHS Press, Wallingford, UK
Gives a background to the life and works of Leonardo da Vinci, discusses his unfinished "Treatise on Water" and its conceptual background.
Has sections on Leonardo's descriptions of the atmosphere, the physical structure of the earth, and the water cycle. The water cycle includes sections on the idea of drainage basins, the hydrological cycle, Leonardo's thoughts on 'where does the water go when it rains?' and 'what flow path does it take to the stream?', the salinity of sea water, Leonardo as the first experimental hydrologist, and links with thinking on the origin of tides.
There is then a section on Leonardo's studies of water in motion and his thoughts on training rivers, and a concluding chapter discussing his legacy in relation to modern hydrological concepts.