Stepinac, Antun

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Antun Stepinac 1908 (Vrhovac kraj Karlovca, Croatia – 1985 ( Zagreb, Croatia)


Antun Stepinac graduated in 1938 in Civil Engineering Department of Technical Faculty University of Zagreb. Antun Stepinac graduated in 1938 in Civil Engineering Department of Technical Faculty University of Zagreb.

After graduation he worked in several places all over country ( Zagreb, Split, Sisak, Pakrac), but since 1949 he was engaged in establishing of engineering firm, Elektroprojekt Zagreb and stayed their continuously until 1985. For maany yeaars he was head of the Hydrotechnical laboratory of Elektropojekt. That connection with that firm did not stop even when he started to teach at the Faculty of Civil Engineering. A short period between 1953 and 1956 he was head of the Hydrological Department of the Republic of the hydrometeorological service in Zagreb.

Between 1965 and 1978 he was teaching Hydrology at the Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Zagreb on the graduate study. On postgraduate course he was teaching Hydrology and climatology and Hydrology ( selected chapters ). He was very popular teacher because, as an experienced engineer, he had a lot of interesting practical examples of hydrological problems. In two mandates he was vice dean for teaching and student affairs.

In his professional work he was leading expert in numerous hydrological analysis for large and complex hydraulic structures in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burma, Syria, Ethiopia Iran and Algeria. His particular professional contribution was in the field of carst hydrology. He published many scientific and professional papers.

Hydrological Achievements[edit]

During his long career in engineering, he did hydrological analysis of numerous river basins. One of the most important is hydrological study of the Kupa River (Croatia ) where he defined exponential relationship between discharges and catchment area along the river course. Also, as an expert for carst hydrology he defined underground catchment area of the Rječina River (Croatia). That achievement was published in 1979. In that period he was extensively worked on the study of volumes of underground cavities. Results of that study are cited in domestic and international hydrological literature. He was very respected in foreign countries (Burma, India, Ethiopia, Egypt and Iran) where he was working on hydrological studies for large hydraulic structures. For example, he did hydrological studies of the Mahbad River and the Rezayeh Lake (Urmia, Iran). Results of the Rezayeh Lake hydrology he published in 1979. He worked in Iran approximately 10 years and in that period he started to work on idea of water transportation from hilly areas to fertile agricultural, but dry lowland ( publication 1983). For his devoted work he was awarded by two great national awards, in 1969 and 1975.


Reference Material[edit]

Vujasinović, B., 2007.: Stepinac Antun, Istaknute osobe u hrvatskom vodnom gospodarstvu kroz povijest, Hrvatsko društvo za odvodnju i navodnjavanje, Zagreb, 142-143. Žugaj, R.: In memoriam prof. Antun Stepinac, Građevinar 37 (1985) 1, 49. Žugaj, R., 2002.: Stepinac Antun, Leksikon građevinarstva (Urednik: Simović, V.), Masmedia, Zagreb, 797. Žugaj, R., 2012.: Antun Stepinac, Monografija (Urednik: Galić, K.), Elektroprojekt, Zagreb, 11 str. Žugaj, R., 2015.: Hidrologija, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Rudarsko geološko naftni fakultet, Zagreb, 40-41.

Selected Publications[edit]

Stepinac, A., 1969.: Otjecanje u Dinarskom kršu, poseban otisak iz „Krš Jugoslavije“, knjiga 6, JAZU, Zagreb, 207-235. Stepinac, A.: Vodni kapaciteti u stijenskim masama krša, Građevinar 31 (1979) 6, 251-258. Stepinac, A.: O hidrologiji zatvorenih jezera, Građevinar 31 (1979) 11, 476-489. Stepinac, A.: Drevni zahvati podzemnih voda, Građevinar 32 (1980) 2, 77-81.


[Category:Biographies of Hydrologists]]